Different types of false eyelashes: how to choose the best one?

False eyelashes are quite famous. To make the right choice, decide on the purpose of the model: for what event it is required, for what purpose it is used. It is important to take into account the shape of the eyes and the effect that you want to get. Also pick a color, volume, and density, focusing on the purpose of the model.


What are the types of false eyelashes and which one is best for beginners - this question is asked first when you are just looking to buy the best false eyelashes accessory for yourself. There are three main types: tape, beam, and single false eyelashes. They come in diverse colors (which is important for photo shoots and parties), different densities, and lengths. Let's take a closer look at each type.

1. Tape- Perhaps, tape eyelashes are the most comfortable and fastest choice for creating stunning eye makeup. In this case, the eyelashes are not collected in separate bundles but are glued to a special base in one row. They are self-adhesive when the tape is initially treated with an adhesive and those for which glue must be purchased individually. 

2. Beam- beams eyelash - a cosmetic function that is completed by a professional with a view to the extension, rise in the volume or change the coloring of natural hair of each lady. This operation is painless and requires a woman's only patience, as nearly the jewelry process takes time. Among the main methods of building are the following, the most popular, according to the desires of the girls:

One such bundle consists of several cilia. The bundles are glued individually to the corners of the eyes and along the entire length of the upper eyelid to make the look more effusive. Such eyelashes do not attract attention and look natural, so they can be worn even in the office and at important business meetings.

3. Single false eyelashes- Eyelashes are connected one at a time in addition to natural ones. The result looks very natural, but it is difficult to cope with such work without special skills, so it is better to turn to an experienced master.

4. False eyelashes with magnets- These false eyelashes are attached with magnets on top and bottom of real eyelashes. Suitable if you are allergic to glue.

5. Natural false eyelashes- Most often, false eyelashes are made from mink or sable wool, sometimes horse or human hair is used. Mink eyelashes are smooth and long, but often not thick enough. Recommended for girls with thick but short eyelashes.

6. Artificial false eyelashes- False eyelashes made of synthetic fibers will come in handy if you are allergic to natural ones. In addition, most often it is from them that decorative false eyelashes are made - of an unusual shape, with decor and decorations.


When choosing false eyelashes, consider two factors: the occasion and your skill level.

  • If you are a newbie, simple band lashes will work for you. Due to the low price, it is not a pity to spoil them.
  • If your goal is to deliver your eyes more expressively, choose clump lashes. They will “open up” the look and make it refreshed throughout the day.
  • If you want to go to a party or photoshoot? Choose long and thick ribbon eyelashes, which are not appropriate for everyday life, as they make the look heavier. Experiment with shape (cat-eye or round shape) and color (the choice is limitless).
  • For girls with an Asian eyelid design, it is better to use false eyelashes with a maximum bend, but for the “European” eyelid, any options are suitable.
  • If you have small eyes, you should not choose false eyelashes that are too long: they will only make your eyes look smaller. Your optimal length is medium.
